Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year!

I'm plagiarizing a bit for my New Year's blog. If you would like to see the original idea, check out my sister's blog:


What a great idea to think about as a year comes to a close and a new one begins. And possibly something to pass on to my 17 year old children some day. So here it goes:

1: You are the first example of how to love you. Others will follow your lead.

2: One true friend is far more valuable then being liked by everyone.

3: Trust your instincts. You know yourself better than anyone else and when something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

4: KNOW that you ARE pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, funny enough. Because you are who you are and when you are true to that, it's always "enough".

5: Always love family for who they are. Not who you wish they would be. Some day you'll see why they are the way they are and how that has helped to make You who You are - the good, the bad and the ugly.... (and THEY still love YOU!)

6: Travel. Discover more about yourself by going outside of your comfort zone and into other's comfort zones.

7: Leave home. Make your own life. You can always return home.

8: Work during high school and college, even if you don't "have to". You will be much more ready to face the real world if you flip a couple burgers first.

9:Never turn away from an opportunity because it would be "too hard" or because you don't think you could do it. You may fail, but there are things you can only learn by failing. And you may just surprise yourself and then you will know no limits.

10: Never argue about money. You'll never win and you'll ALWAYS end up feeling worse. And as my wise sister once told me, " Money is the one thing you can always get more of." How smart is that?

And here's the OB update: We're at 32 weeks and 3 days. No Christmas baby! YEAH! and no Christmas hospital visits, though I'm sure all our friends at the hospital missed us during the holidays! I can start increasing activity in about 3 weeks (35.5 weeks) and stop taking meds in 5 weeks. I can hardly believe we're that close. The days sometimes go slowly, but overall, time is passing pretty quickly. Please continue with all your positive thoughts and prayers.

Happy New Year to all. Look back with no regrets and look forward with joy and anticipation of all the good that will come to you this year.

1 comment:

-T. said...

HEY!! I think yours are better than mine!! Would you mind sharing yours with MY 17 y/o self?!! That would probably be helpful =) LOVE YOU