Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas time....

Christmas: a time of peace, Joy, harmony, and......HEY! When did my face get so fat? I remember this from my last pregnancy. You go happily along feeling like it's only your belly that changes then BAM you see a picture and suddenly your face got fat! What else am I in denial about? It does some strange things to your body, this miracle called pregnancy. Out of nowhere you waddle. You no longer even TRY to hold in flatulence. And peeing? Let's just say I get more exercise getting in and out of bed to pee than I really should while on strict "bed rest". Did I mention the Olympic sized feat it is to turn over in bed? It sounds like a cow matting down a nice patch of grass to lie down in, complete with cow-like groaning. Oh, and the pillows it takes to get "comfortable". Thank God we have king sized bed or I think Brooks would find an alternate sleeping situation.

But what I do like is the opportunity to watch this true miracle happen first hand. I've never really felt "fat" while pregnant. I've always had somewhat of a sense of pride in my pregnant body. Not that is ready for Victoria's Secret maternity catalog (no, Vicky's does NOT do maternity). It's just a normal pregnant body. But, that belly, holding all that's got a beauty all it's own. Well, and having some boobs for a few months doesn't hurt my ego. Even though I know it's temporary and soon they will be a droopy shadow of the valiant A cup they once were, I enjoy while I can.

So here's the update:

I am 31 weeks and 2 days. We did make our weekly pilgrimage to the hospital on Monday night due to some cramping I was having that overall had no effect on the big C (cervix) and stopped on its own while being monitored. We went home late Monday night and the rest of the week has been very uneventful. Brooks is off school for the next two weeks so our live-in help (or shall I say Angel -mother in law Annetta) gets a little reprieve from trying to be Grandma. and disciplinarian, and care-taker of prego lady, and home maker for a little while.... hopefully...
Our little P-bear is hanging in there. As well as can be expected of a two year old. I think she has a few more tantrums than normal - no doubt due to the fact that her life has NOT been normal for some time now. She doesn't probably even remember what "normal" is. Her mommy sure misses "normal". Her normal conversations with me now go something like this:
"Are you resting?", "Are you going to the hospital/doctor?", "Did you eat your lunch?". Then she'll tell me what she had for lunch and ask to open another door on the advent calendar (which contains M&M's among other, apparently not so exciting, trinkets). She's also still working on potty training, which may be attacked more aggressively these two weeks while Brooks is home - we'll see. No rush I guess..... Other than cost, I don't see it as a huge bummer to have two kids in diapers.
So that's life right now. Hopefully it remains "uneventful" through Christmas.
I wish everyone a magical Christmas full of Joy, Laughter and thin faces. :)

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