Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I was once asked why I wanted to have kids. I honestly couldn't come up with an answer - and I felt really bad about that. But I just knew I did. I'm not sure that actually is a question you can answer completely until you have kids. Then you get moments all day long where you go, "THIS is why I wanted kids. For this moment right now." For the moment when I walk into Piper's room after a nap to find her reading quietly, such a big girl, in her big girl bed. I feel so proud. For the moment when Quinn ALMOST laughs because I kissed her soft little belly. For the soft little belly. For the fingers and toes. For the dress-up and playing "Baby". For going potty in the toilet, and for having another accident but wanting to try again. For the kisses from big sister to little sister. For the "hugs for my family". For the "I love you, good night, go to sleep!"-s. For the boogers on the wall that she helps me clean up. For the fuzzy hair after a bath. For the bedtime stories, and just one more. For the silly songs. For the Eskimo, Butterfly and Fish kisses. For the successes and failures. For new friendships. For learning about being left out. For the laughs when the wind blows our hair into funny styles. For the flowers she picks for me, from our neighbor's garden (oops!). For the piggy back rides, airplane rides on my legs, and lion-walks up the stairs. For the cute little hiccups. For the funny toots. For the soft round cheeks and deep blue and brown eyes that say it all. For the quivering lip. For the irresistible giggle. For the goofball dancing when she's supposed to be eating. For the pig tails. For the bed head. For the cuddles when she's just not ready to get up and face the world. For toothless grins. For spit bubbles. For silly bows on bald heads. For 3 hour naps and for 30 minute naps that end with a giant smile because she's just so happy to see me. And a million other moments.

Us mothers are so lucky. There is nothing like mommy when you're hurt, sad, or blue. There's nothing like a mommy's hug to make everything feel alright. We get to be that person. We get to show our little ones all the wonders of the world. And it's up to us to put our own special spin on it. And in return we get their own special spin on the world. We get to see life through pure innocent eyes once more. We get questions that make us think: "Huh, I don't KNOW why." And questions that make us laugh: "Daddy, did you toot?" And statements that make us face the facts: "There's a baby in your belly mommy!". No, it's just called a "gut" now..... Yes, we also get thrown up on, peed on, pooped on, boogered on. But WE get those wondrous moments while pregnant when you feel the little one kick for the first time. WE get that amazing experience of giving birth. WE get (yes, we GET) those middle of the night feedings where we get to cuddle with no distractions. Just you and me kiddo.

Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done. It's also the most wondrous. The most rewarding. The most character building. The most honest. The thing I'm most proud of. So, Here's to my mom, who showed me how to love unconditionally. Here's to all my mom friends who are my saviours on a daily basis and who will always have a story to share to make me feel better. Here's to all the new moms who are finally realizing WHY they wanted to have kids. And here's to all future moms, you're in for the ride of your life. :)


Anonymous said...

Mommy Mia,

Before all of those wondrous other Mommies get to say how wonderful you are to put it all into words that somehow say it all for them too...before that, as the Big Mama...I want to say that it takes wee wonders like you were to make a real 'Mom'...Now you know that it's true, isn't it? What a privilege to be your Mom. And Oh, how I love you.


-T. said...

Wow - that was beautiful...and one of the most loving writings about "why be a Mom" I have ever seen. Hm. Maybe I'll come around after all.