Saturday, May 17, 2008

Go Fish

Piper is getting anxious to be able to play with Quinn. They played cards the other day, but after awhile of Quinn just drooling on her cards, Piper decided maybe mommy would be a better partner. But she tried. Today, Piper met a new friend. This girl, Alexa, struck Piper's fancy big-time. She took charge. She spoke up when she wanted something. Everyone around knew she was present. She gave big aggressive hugs and kisses, that could almost be called tackles. AND she had a really pretty princess dress.
I found it interesting how much Piper liked this little girl. And also how Piper started to speak up and say what SHE wanted after being around Alexa for a little while. It was like this girl was the inner Piper. The one that doesn't get quiet and take 2 hours to warm up to people - even friends she's familiar with. The one that says what she thinks, loudly, and when she wants to say it. I could see this girl playing center for the Denver Broncos in 20 years,- possibly in a princess dress. What does it all mean? Probably nothing. What Ying hasn't been, at some time in her life, attracted to her Yang? Sometimes we need to face our polar opposites to give us courage to branch out of our comfort zone. To see that it's ok. And to see that what we are is good and special and sometimes better.
Well, I love my introspective little P-bear just the way she is. "Quiet", "Shy", what ever you want to call her. She's full of love, compassion, humor, fun and laughter. Sometimes it just takes a Broncos Center to get it out of her.

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