Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tough Guy

It's a time for miraculous things to happen. If you read my blog regularly, you know my Nana was struggling with wanting to live around the same time I was put on bed rest. 5 days before my initial hospital visit, Nana, my mom's mom, was hit by a car while walking across the street. (My poor mother would probably like to forget that week.) Although her physical injuries were not life threatening (thank God), her mental strength and positive attitude were hit hard. She seemed to have made up her mind that her life was over. She asked for a DNR (do not resuscitate) order and never gave it the old "college try" with Physical therapy and thus ended up basically bed-bound (kind of an interesting coincidence huh?). This was very unexpected to all who knew her.
Well. Miracles DO happen. On Sunday, shortly before I went to the hospital, while mom, my sister and her husband were visiting Nana, she decided she wanted to go for a WALK! And walk she did. Alzheimer's can truly be a blessing as she has apparently forgotten that she wasn't walking. They have taken the wheelchair out of her room and she continues to CHOOSE to walk daily. She needs a little help, but she is walking.
I am taking this as a sign. Remember that Chinese woman I wrote about? The one who was full term, 7 centimeters dilated and held off delivery for a day and a half because she wanted her child born in a different Chinese year? And now my Nana, who decided she couldn't walk any more and didn't. Then decided she could walk and DID - after being in bed for 11 weeks - at 84 years of age! 4 centimeters - PHOOOEY!
I know it's not something to take lightly -where I am medically - if I want a baby that's not born until 36+weeks (8 days away). But today I am 34 weeks and 6 days - I've beat my record (Piper was born at 5:30 am at 34wks+6d). I'm up for actually pummeling the record, what do you say Cervix? Can you take it? Huh? Tough guy? Bring IT!
Back to Nana. This ability and desire to move means she can get out of her care facility for short periods of time and enjoy some of the things she did before. She can go to my mom's house for the day and hang out with her family and her dog. I don't know what moved her to move. I don't know how long it will last. But it brings me so much joy that she is finding a way to believe in life again. Knowing Nana, she probably just said, "well if I'm not gonna die, I guess I better actually live."
Nana, I know this isn't about pride for you. But I have to say I'm so proud to be your grand daughter and fellow Gemini - at sometimes I feel you are my other half. Our lives and thoughts often so closely parallel each other's. Your way of being is so pure, easy and true. I hope this moving around thing lasts at least until I can show you your new great grand baby and put my arms around you. I love you.

1 comment:

-T. said...

Your right, Little Gemini - it is a sign of beautiful miracles. I am truly humbled by you two Geminis..and honored to know you both. The two sides to each you and Nana are kindness, softness and love countered by steel jawed determination, emotional bravery and internal fortitude. Thank you for a beautiful blog. I love you,
The Cowardly Lion