Saturday, January 19, 2008

Top Three Ways to Love Your Cervix

I don't think I can actually write on this topic, but the picture and title cracked me up -(a health awareness dealy-bob from planned parenthood). Eye catching don't you think? Maybe if I show my cervix a little more love, it'll love me back?!

Let's talk about dreams. I was perusing the MSN home page this morning and one of their topics was dream interpretation. I have the time. I interpreted. Every one who knows me well, knows that I have ALWAYS had very vivid, often funny, sometimes prolific or problem solving dreams. Magnify that X10 and you have my pregnancy dreams.

My mom tells a story about the time when I was a toddler (3 year old?) and I woke up and calmly explained to my mom how Cookie Monster came out of the TV and put a crack in my wall. I also remember dreaming as a child about how my many stuffed animals all came to life after I feel asleep and would argue about who was my favorite. This lead to much distress that was only resolved by having ALL of my stuffed animals sleep with me so no one felt left out.

When I was pregnant with Piper I had a doozy where I and a co-worker of mine (who's last name is Ott) were detectives and partners. Among the amusing things included in the dream were the "aliens" we ("Detective Ott and Detective Hot") were chasing down. When they exited the UFO they looked like Jesus in all his toga glory (please no one take offense - these are the opinions of my subconscious not necessarily the whole entity...).

This pregnancy has held many more vivid dreams, some strange, some obviously revealing my desires, some comforting, some not. Last night I was sitting on a gently windy beach alone in the night with only the moonlight to see by and suddenly a wave came up unexpectedly and covered me completely. It was warm and I laughed about it. It was very peaceful. It was interesting to read that dream glossary this AM regarding that dream. Here are some of the key "findings".

1. A beach is where the earth meets the water; hence, dreaming of standing on a beach looking out at the water implies intense spiritual experiences ahead. 2. Swimming in the surf implies becoming involved in deep emotions; hence this could imply a new love, the birth of a baby, or the appearance of a long-term friend. 3. Working on a beach warns that difficult times lie ahead financially, and that you may need to either seek help or work that much harder to make ends meet. 4. Lying on a beach is a dream of contrary, hinting that you better enjoy yourself now, because you will soon be too busy to do much relaxing.

An astrological symbol relating to the emotions. If the Moon is full and bright, much happiness and success lie ahead. If the Moon is new or in the crescent phase, you may not be aware of your own feelings with regard to specific circumstances. A Moon partly or fully obscured by clouds hints at outside matters affecting feelings that you’re currently unaware of, yet still need to deal with.

1. A dream of a clear, starry night, with a full moon, is an omen of positive things to come. A dark, cloudy night with no moon represents the dreamer’s fears. Look to other symbols in the dream to discern what the fears are. 2. If in the dream the night is hindering the dreamer, he should expect obstacles and delays in something dear to him.

Life. One of the few universal symbols. An active ocean, teeming with life, with high waves and crashing surf, implies that life will soon become much busier. A calm ocean: A peaceful life. A stormy sea: Trouble ahead. The need to be prepared.

The wind represents movement, and the type of movement involved is dictated by the circumstances.1. Dreaming of being out in a cold, blustery wind implies having to take action under adverse circumstances.2. Dreaming of a calm, gentle wind that caresses your face is reassurance that you are surrounded by people who deeply love and care for you. A brisk, steady breeze portends success in business enterprises.3. Being caught up in an extreme form of wind such as a cyclone or tornado is a warning to get your affairs in order now if you don’t want to have a lot of trouble later.

Interesting isn't it? Dream interpretation is one of those things that you're often not surprised by the answers, but it's funny how the subconscious brings certain things to your own surface at certain times in your life. In the end I think last night's dream told me what I already knew: I'm ready and able. A few days ago I started freaking out because I felt I had not prepared myself mentally for labor and I didn't feel ready. Today, I feel ready. I would still like a little more time for my body to get ready, but my mind is there. I feel strong (ironically) and secure in the knowledge that my body will do what it needs to do when that time comes.

Of course if I'm not ready at least I'll have Brooks' 11 year old student to help deliver the baby. (His dream last night).


-T. said...

That's TOTALLY awesome!! Its so cool that you remembered that dream!

-T. said...

PS - Dig the LOVE YOUR CERVIX!! After all...what's not to love?? =) LOL