Wednesday, November 7, 2007

25 weeks!

So, things have progressed a bit since my last blog entry! I'm going to use my blog for updates and to keep my sanity because I am now on bed rest - most likely for the duration of the pregnancy. (That would be 12 more weeks.) Here's the update:
On Friday November 2 I went in for my weekly check up of my cervix. My doctor also wanted to start doing a "Fetal Fibronectin" test every 2 weeks starting at 24 weeks. This tests for a protein that is produced before going into labor and can be an indicator of a slightly higher liklihood that I would go into labor in the next 2 weeks. It's not a direct predictor, so they mostly do it because a negative test IS a good indication that you have no higher-than-normal chances of going into labor in the next 2 weeks. In any case, the ultrasound on Friday showed that my cervix had continued to thin but was also dilated to about 1 cm. And the FFN test came out positive. Two scary things at 24 weeks. Put those things together with my history (going into labor at 33 weeks with Piper) and before I knew it I was going to the hospital. Thank God Brooks was with me. When we got to the hospital they monitored my contractions and the baby and started me on a drug to stop labor call Magnesium Sulfate (more on THAT awfulness later). Apparently, even though I was only feeling the occasional contraction I was having them every minute and a half. The drug was doing it's job and stopping/slowing the contractions, but because I am so early in my pregnancy they decided I needed to go to a hospital in Denver. The hospital in Fort Collins can only deal with babies born at 28 weeks and later. That was scary - the idea that this baby could actually be BORN NOW. At 24 weeks.... We pushed that thought from our heads and moved on. I got flown in a flight for life helicoptor to a hospital in Denver Friday night. (Had an awesome view of the sunset over the Rockies!) We had an ultrasound when we got there to check the baby and my cervix and talked to the high risk OB specialist there who recommended a procedure called a cerclage. This is a stitch in the cervix to keep it closed essentially. My doctor had mentioned this possibility earlier, but we had not gotten to the point where it seemed required yet. Eventually the procedure was decided on and sceduled for Sunday. Meanwhile the contractions were staying minimal and the baby was looking good. I under went the cerclage on Sunday, which required a spinal anesthetic and was painless. The procedure went very smoothly and the recovery was minimal. They kept me in the hospital Monday and most of Tues to continue to monitor me and finally sent me home Tuesday, yesterday, afternoon. I am now on bed rest and probably will be on bed rest or at least "modified" bed rest for the duration. But hallelujah I'm HOME. I'm also still on (oral) meds for contractions, but the side effects are minimal. It's actually the drug I was on when I was on bed rest with Piper. So those are the details.
And here we are. Today we are at 25 weeks. Every day, every week that baby stays in my belly is HUGE. I'm feeling good. I feel like everything has gone as well as we could have hoped given the circumstances. I'm grateful I have a cautious doctor who was watching me closely and moved quickly when action needed to be taken. Piper was, of course, well cared for by Grandma and Grandpa. My mom has arrived today and will be here for a week. My sister is then coming to visit. My best friend Kristen is coming to visit, probably in January when time will really feel like it's crawling. It's gonna be ok. I'll survive, and more importantly, this baby is going to make it to at least 37 weeks. I have this vision of having a big healthy baby and taking him or her home with me and I'm stickin to it. I'll continue to update as needed and to vent/keep my sanity on my blog so you all can read it or not. :) But there's the update for now. Keep your fingers crossed!

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