Monday, March 26, 2007

Whatever you do, don't laugh

It's so hard not to laugh sometimes. If you've spent any time with a child you know that in a kid's eyes, laughter is the ultimate goal of any behavior or situation. If you laugh, it's over.....and over and over......

IE: New words for Piper these days include "I'm done", "side" (outside), and "down". Very useful words, good ones to know. One of her other new words (here comes the whatever-you-do-don't-laugh part) is "cock". This means sock. And, in case you're unaware, let me tell you how new words with 19 month olds work. The new word is repeated. And repeated. And....repeated....LOUDLY. And if you LAUGH?..... that word will never go away. I know this from experience - thankfully not from the afore mentioned jewel, but from a slightly crude, but cuter, word she got from me: "Toot". As in Fart. I suppose that's what I call them these days. And it got QUITE a laugh out of me when she first said it while squatting in the tub making bubbles. And an even bigger laugh from daddy when he tooted and she called him on it.

It's really so sweet when you think about it. Here's a kid trying the world on for size (for the first time, with most things in her daily life). All she knows is that when mommy or daddy laughs it's a good thing and should be repeated.

Once again, we could learn a thing or two from the innocence of babes. Let's laugh more and make each other laugh more. Who couldn't use a good belly laugh once a day. You know the kind where your head bounces up and down if it's lying on your best friend's belly? Who cares if a toot slips out now and then. That's the best thing about a kid. All they know is that laughter is good. It feels good, it makes their worlds shinier. So what the heck, next time she puts on her choos and cocks, I'm gonna laugh. :)

1 comment:

-T. said...

She's a potty mouth!! I guess I don't have to worry about dropping the "F" bomb since Piper seems to have an extensive vocab of words she shouldn't know =) LOVE YOU.