Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Rant of Gratitude

Whoa- It's been awhile! But since no one reads this, No one knows but me. :) Piper is growing by leaps and bounds. I wish my patience did as well. We are nearing 2 you know. She'll be two in August. She is no longer a baby. She is truly a little girl. There are so many beautiful things about this age. She is such an affecionate little girl. Gives the BEST hugs. Gives Sweet sweet kisses. Says "Love you Daddy" to her daddy and "love you Daddy" to her mommy (Hey, I'll take it). Asks for her T-Bear, Cow, Bambi (whom she calls "Buggy") AND Bunny to cuddle when she goes to sleep. And yes, somehow she gets them ALL in her little arms. She goes to sleep without a whimper and sometimes ASKS to go to sleep. She sees a cow and says "MOOO!", a sheep and she says "BAAAA". Jojo and Lucy bark and she says "Jojo NO! Lucy NO!" (Wonder where she picked that up?). She says Please and Thank You regularly and when she forgets and I prompt her by saying "what do you say?" she replies with: "Sayyyy". She carries around her baby doll and regularly changes her baby's diaper. Probably more regularly than her own diaper gets changed. She helps me dust (really, it IS a help!!). She helps mommy and daddy plant in the garden. She LAUGHS the best belly laugh when she runs through the shower from the hose when we're watering. Really. Could life get any better?

To be honest, I started to blog today because it was one of THOSE days. There are other things that come with an almost 2 year old that aren't so heart warming. But after the above paragraph, I don't feel the need to rant anymore. Those not-so-fun things are so menial when you look at the big picture that way.
So instead I'll "rant" my gratitude. I am grateful for a healthy, smart, loving, beautiful, funny little girl who teaches me wonderful life lessons everyday. It's supposed to be the other way around, but trust me, her teaching me is MUCH more interesting!
I'm grateful for an amazing "renaissance man" of a husband who had the opportunity tonight to come home from his second job early without making any money, but because he knew I needed the break, he came. And who is currently playing a horsey for cowgirl Piper.

I'm grateful for wonderful family. A sister who is a best friend. A new brother-in-law who is more than I could ask for for my sister. A Mom who is such a fun Nana and always listens and makes me see the bright side - or at least a sliver of light. (sometimes I'm tough to get out of a mood) A Mom "in-Law" who has become a second mom and a fantastic Grandma to Piper. Two great bother-in-laws who always make me laugh and keep Piper well dressed and well-loved. A Father "in-law" who always gives and gives and gives.
I feel much better. I AM lucky. I AM grateful. I AM tired,
but that's ok. I mean LOOK at her!

Could it get any better?

1 comment:

-T. said...

You rock. That was an AWESOME blog. And really - your right - she's pretty damn perfect...LOOK at that smile!!