Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dancing Queen

Piper had her first dance class on Thursday. I don't know who was more excited, her or me? I spent the hour (free of obligations to my children or anyone else) glued to the glass window spying on her. Every time she'd look my way I had on a big goofy smile and did the "mom wave". Come on, you all know the "mom wave." Yes you do. It's that full arm- tear my shoulder out of the socket-wave, just in case you might miss me in my bright pink ski suit standing alone on the deck of the ski lodge-wave. And she, just as I did when I saw that wave, glanced away like she saw nothing and carried on. Dancing. It was everything I wanted it to be for her first class. You may wonder why it was such a big deal to me. I guess I am too. I think it's because it's the first of her, hopefully many, steps into independence. A step into defining who she is. Dance class is not something I pulled out of the air for her to try. The girl LOVES to dance. She positions herself in the middle of the living room floor, puts on her ballerina face - which is oh-so-serious - and with full concentration performs the moves that she believes make up the grace of a Ballerina. Now, at 3 years old, not really the picture of grace. But definitely the picture of a Vivid imagination. She is seeing herself as she saw those "real ballerinas" on stage at the Nutcracker. Tall, lithe, graceful, princess-like and on stage. At one point during the class each of the three little girls got to do a solo number with a scarf. I was so proud of her. She went first and just followed her instinct, just like she was in her own living room. In her own world. A beautiful ballerina. No reservations. No hesitation. That, I think, is pretty impressive for a 3-year-old's first class!
Now, don't worry. I vow not to be that mom. If the novelty and fun of dance wear off for her, I will just be happy for the joy it gave her at the time and move on with her. I know this enjoyment may last for three classes or less! And I vow to enjoy each moment of it with her and not take for granted that she has found something that, at least for the moment, brings her dreams to life - even if just a little bit.
But for now - it just makes me smile. Seeing her come to life like that. It's a little peek at what it's like to see your child become an individual. To see Piper define who Piper is. Not because it's what I say she is or because it's what her friends are, but because it's what she wants for herself. What more can a mother ask for her child? And don't worry - I'll have front row tickets for all you tutu givers when she's on a real stage.


-T. said...

Isn't that the truth? The beauty in this is that this IS Piper's thing. She loves it. May she find passions and loves as pure as this throughout her life...unfettered by the influence of anyone else but her heart...her big, huge Leo heart.

-T. said...

PS - I laughed so hard I cried when I read your description about the Mom Wave.

Anonymous said...

I just love that little free spirit and the willing to let be free spirit of her mommy. AND I am vindicated by your 'mommy-wave' behavior. I only guessed that it was secretly what every child wanted: To know that Mom was there watching every perfectly wonderful thing that you did. Please, for future reference, do not accompany THE WAVE with THE YELL. Very poor form.
PS Yellow is good from far away too.
