Saturday, February 17, 2007

18 months, a TALL order

So, it's been awhile since I've written. I guess because no new tragedies have struck that I needed to find a way to laugh about. That's good right?

So Piper had her 18 month appointment a couple of weeks ago (Can you believe 18 MONTHS?!!). I know some people "keep up" with her through this blog so I'll bore you all with details: She weighed in at 19 lbs, 3 oz. She grew a WHOPPING 3 inches since her 12 month appointment and is now 32 inches tall! That brought her from the 40th percentile in height to the 65th!! Obviously, her height will come from the Ramsey side. They say you can double the height of a girl at 2 years old and estimate how tall she will be as an adult - (before she shrinks again on her way out of this world). If we doubled her height now, at 18 months, she'd be 64 inches. That's 5'4" for you arithmetically challenged individuals (I looked it up). That's already 2 inches taller than me, and 2 1/4 inches taller than her Aunt T. (No, we are not shrinking this is as tall as we've EVER been.) And she's still got 6 months to go!! Now, I understand, being taller than my sister and I is no huge feat. HOWEVER, I am now having visions of my child as a star volleyball player, basketball player or runway model! Where as before I was merely envisioning, you know, quantum physicist.

Height is big you know. When you're tall you don't need to find obnoxious ways of attracting attention. When you're tall you get more free stuff. And when you go to Mexico, you are ALWAYS the one to get hit on- at least in my experience with all my tall friends. (Being blond helps too.) Let see what else: Dusting is much easier. You can wear Capri's as Capri's instead of buying surfer shorts to wear as Capri's. You don't have to kill your feet in heels so you don't look like a freaky midget next to your husband at your wedding. Oh, and in the dating world, if you're tall, you find out your date has thinning hair before he kneels down to tie his shoe in front of you on your 5th date.

So yes. Tall is good. Hooray for my tall little girl. OK, I know she won't break any records. But she'll look darn cute in Capri's!

Oh yeah, and she's healthy too. Hooray!

1 comment:

-T. said...

You so eloquently captured the essence of shortness....and since Jeff and I probably won't be having any towering 6'0" kids either...I am grateful to the Ramsey clan for mixing the gene pool with some height...and maybe even a star volleyball player!! Love you!