Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dream Girl

This morning Piper was looking at pictures on our screen saver. One of the pictures was me doing "Swing and a Prayer" where you get strapped in to a harness and swing by a steel cable that has been pulled up 35 feet in the air. She said "Is that you flying?"
"yes!" I said.
"Can I fly some day?"
"I know you WILL fly some day Piper."
"Can I wear my tutu when I fly?"
Thank God for my little dreamer.


Anonymous said...

It is 8:00 on 8/24. Finally catching up on your amazing family and your beautiful writing. I know think I would say parenting is relentabulous (and exhausting!) I envy your 10 minute napping skills. I love how you have organized your blog with photos et al. What an amazing gift to your family. I now feel less alone and relieved that one of our sons came to us potty trained. You and Brooks are loving parents that I look to for inspiration! Love, tiredFrank.

-T. said...

Hey, Piper - when you become President, you can wear your tutu also!!