Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Potty Training, Oh dear.

As I said in the title....Oh dear. The question isn't really Is Piper ready? It's: Am I ready? Do you know what this means? This means having to know where every bathroom in every store is. It means having to ask your child a million times a day, "do you have to go potty?" until not only does she want to kill you but you want to shoot yourself. It means Piper having to learn about disappointment and failure. It means cleaning up undesirable messes that you thought you were past..... sigh. Well, we've taken the plunge. We'll see if I'm ready. We bought pretty new Elmo panties. Pull-ups. Oxy-clean.

I did forget to buy the goggles. I wasn't expecting to need them. But one of the lessons we've both learned is that when you sit on the potty, no matter how much you want to watch the pee come out, you should keep your legs together. Especially if mommy is crouched down in front intently watching for the coveted golden stream. Yep. Learned that one the hard way. Then there was this morning. We had a SUCCESS! Golden stream in the big girl potty. WOOHOO! But I knew there was more. She wasn't ready for part two (as in #2) quite yet so I was letting her run around without pants watching her closely until she was ready. Life has to go on though right? Mommies have to pee too right? So I'm on the big girl potty doing my thing and I hear the other bathroom door slam shut. As quickly as I can I run to the other bathroom and cautiously open the door. There was my proud little girl standing over her poopy.... on the bathroom floor. I guess I'm gonna have to hold it for a few days, weeks?, months? how long is this gonna take? I'm trying to take it all in stride, but after my first full day of really giving it a "go", so to speak, I am pooped, so to speak. But it is rewarding to see the pride in her face when she makes it. It's been really great the handful of times that she's come to me to let ME know she's gotta go. She's no dummy. She just needs to learn all about her plumbing. I know she won't be a twenty year old in diapers, right? I'm in no hurry. All in due time or "poo" time if you will...

1 comment:

-T. said...

"The coveted golden stream." Huh. Usually you don't see those words in the family context...you know?