Sunday, August 12, 2007

"I two" and Lucky Sister

Piper is two. I really can't believe two years of her life have flown by already. She is a little girl now. As my mom just said "it just keeps getting better". She's right. Every new stage has its down points, but its highs, well, there's just nothing like it.
Although I am sentimental about Piper growing up so soon, I think I would be more so if I knew we weren't about to go through it all again! That's right ladies and gentlemen, we are expecting a little brother or sister for Piper. My due date is February 20! Brooks and I just can't keep our hands off each other so for the second time in 3 years we gave in to temptation and WALA peanut butter sandwiches! We are so very excited. Piper is going to be such a good big sister.
My mom, sister and brother in law were here this weekend to celebrate the Leo brithdays. My sister Tara's birthday is the 13th. If any of you know my sister, you know she is prone to "colorful" language. Before they came, I warned her that Piper is a little parrot now. You REALLY have to watch what you say! Tara was very good and did watch it, which she realized was a good thing after Piper repeated "OH SHOOT!". Thank you T for watching it! :)
Siblings are such a wonderful blessing. I can't wait for Piper to experience that wonderful relationship. My sister has been my best friend- when there seemed to be noone else, my worst enemy - which taught me to deal with adversity and still love the person drooling in my face while I was pinned to the ground, and my Sistah- which if you have a sister, you understand.

She and her wonderful husband Jeff, whom I adore may be moving to Hawaii. Although they now live in Arizona, not exactly next door, Hawaii seems so far. It's a wonderful opportunity for them and I'm so excited for the expereinces they'll have together as a newly married couple.
Yet, today when I said goodbye to my Sistah, I couldn't help but feel my heart tugging. It's probably similar to how I have felt as a parent and will feel many more times. With Piper, that first day of daycare was gut wrenching. Yet I knew it was something I had to do. In the future it'll be kissing her goodbye as she goes to overnight camp for the first time. Then saying goodbye as she drives away with her new license. Then helping her pack up for college or a trip around the world. It may sound wierd to feel that way with my older sister, but I kind of do. During most of our lives, Tara blazed the path. The first to date, the first to drive, the first to get in trouble. But later in life, there have been some things that I have done first. Get married, have a kid, move away from home. As she and Jeff talk about embarking on this adventure I feel a mixture of things I often feel as a parent: pride, concern, certainty that this is a GOOD thing even though it's hard, excitment and of course love. Then I feel the little sister things: She'll be so far, I'll miss her. So as I was saying goodbye, we fell into our roles. Big sister comforting little sister.

Then I start to think of Piper. She will have a lot in common with her Leo Auntie T, whom she calls "T-T". Leos, to start, born leaders. Big sisters, and good ones at that. Very comfortable as the center of attention. And so loving and so loved. I don't doubt I can help Piper become the good big sister she's meant to be. Even though I've never been one myself, I've had a great example set by Tara.
Thank you Tara for being my big sis. I am so excited for you and Jeff and so grateful to have you BOTH in our lives. I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

-T. said...

That was some birthday gift, there Little One. You made me cry (again). Thanks for blazing the trail on the big stuff (getting arrested first hardly matches up to getting married first, or moving out of state first.) You've blazed a trail that I admire, I'm honored to call YOU Sistah and proud, proud to be "T-T" to the little Leo Piper, who I know will love her little sibling as much as I love mine. I love you. More than I cna explain.